Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Banks: Can't live with the, can't live without them....or can you?

Well, to all my faithful readers, although the FED has opened back up and my account shows the money, I still can't buy a money order to pay for rent.  Ugh!  Will try to after banks open.  But what did I mean by live without them?  I asked my dad, before my parent's went to Europe, where should I put my hard earned savings.  He basically told me that with interest rates so low that it would be about as effective to put your savings in your mattress then a bank.  Now, I'm a little smarter then to put it into a mattress since those are not fire proof.  But instead of giving the banks my money to keep "safe" for me, I may find an alternative.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day, my fellow Citizens!

Ah, yes.  The day that was set aside for us laborers to have as a guaranteed day off.  How's that working out for you?  All the Wal-Marts, and Targets, and the shipping malls that close three hours earlier.  Not the convenience store though.  But by good chance, this is the first Labor Day off that I have had for quite some time, so I am enjoying it.  Especially since I am also spending the day with Donnie.  However, I'm looking forward to tomorrow when the Fed. goes back to work and allows my bank (Bank of America) to give me my money that it has been holding all weekend.  Hope they had a great Labor Day Weekend.  And I hope yours went well too.  Be safe!