Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome to "Buy Local, Not Global"

Howdy, folks.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Steven Wood.  I am a real person with a very real mission.  My mission is to convince you, the reader, to start paying attention to what you buy and where you buy it.  Our nation's economy is suffering.  We are importing more than we are exporting.  American's are loosing their good paying jobs to foreign companies.  Now if the above doesn't piss you off or make you feel nervous, either check your pulse or stop reading because you are not going to care no matter what I say.  But if it does piss you off, good!  There are several documentaries that I will post from reputable sources (disclaimer: if you don't do the research yourself for the truth or to back up your facts, then you need to start) such as PBS's Frontline that I encourage you to watch and then discuss.  Discuss it with your friends and families.  Start looking for items made in America and start shopping at locally owned and operated stores.  Find a gas station that is locally owned and not corporate.  Shop at co-op grocery stores.  Yes, it is more expensive, but would you rather keep that extra few cents here or send it off to multinational corporations that will then ship more manufacturing off to other countries?  America, it is time to stop complaining and start making a change.  If you want to keep your hard earned money where it will do the most good, keep it local, not global!  I encourage comment and debate.

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